
12.15 - 12.19.14

It's Submersible Week!

This week students will use their knowledge on Buoyancy to complete an engineering design project!  I have decided to post the week's activities in one post.   This activity will be a week long experience with special appearances by high school science teachers to lend extra support to groups as they complete the task.

Monday:  Project introduction

Students will reflect on the following questions...
1. What is a submersible?
2. What do submersibles do?
3. How does an Ocean Engineer use submersibles?

Tuesday:  Prep Day

Students will...
1. Complete four Mini-Labs to gain background knowledge for the project
2. Begin the "Engineering Design" cycle
3. Work on blueprints for their submersibles

Wednesday: Build Day

Students will…
1. Begin building their submersible
2. Conduct trials on their subs
3.  Make adjustments based on the trials

Thursday:  Build Day #2

Same as Wednesday

Friday: Demo Day

Each group will demo their sub to see how many of the challenges their sub can master.

Happy Week before break!

Mrs. Setten

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