


SOTW reports will be accepted until 11:59.59p tonight!  Get them turned in!!!!!!

Make sure you get information about your two cities for your weather log!  We will be analyzing the data next week!

Mrs. Setten



Today: Students investigated different types of air masses and how they interact to form fronts.  At the end of class, students looked over their graded geo time rubrics.

Homework: Weather Logs

SOTW: Tetsuya Fujita - due TOMORROW - LAST of the school year! Get them in!!!

Have a sunny day!

Mrs. Setten



Today: Students learned about the types of clouds and how they help predict future weather.

Homework: Weather Log

SOTW: Tetsuya Fujita - due Friday (LAST of the year!)

*WEATHER DAY is tomorrow!  Please dress for the weather and bring water as it is supposed to be hot out!  Sunscreen and hats are recommended!

Mrs. Setten



Today: Since there were no clouds in the sky, students became knowledgeable on the types of precipitation.  Then we went outside to nature journal and enjoy the lovely day.

Homework: Weather Logs for Fri - Mon. - due 5.22

SOTW: Tetsuya Fujita - due 5.29

Happy Memorial Day!

Mrs. Setten



Today: Students began to think about how weather changes the environment. Then students gained knowledge on the layers of the atmosphere by becoming experts on one of the layers and peer teaching.

Homework: none

SOTW: Luke Howard - 5.22

Mrs. Setten



Today:  Students continued their geo time essays.  The make-up date is next Tuesday after school!

Homework: SOTW!

SOTW: Luke Howard - due 5.22

Mrs. Setten



Today: Students began their Geo Time Summative Assessments.  This is in the form of a "Who Am I? Narrative" where students write about an era from the perspective of a living organism from the time.  ALL TYPING MUST BE DONE DURING CLASS TIME.  

Homework: Students may work on an outline for finishing their assessments tomorrow.

SOTW: Susan Kieffer - due 5.15 - ONLY TWO LEFT AFTER HER!

Mrs. Setten



Today: Students completed a Geo Time check in on Schoology.   Then they prepared for the Who am I? Narrative assessment that will begin tomorrow!

1. Geo Time check in on Schoology - open note!
2. Prepare notes for the Who Am I? Narrative Assessment tomorrow!

SOTW: Susan Kieffer - due Friday!

Mrs. Setten



Today: Students began to think about evidence of life and how is has changed (Evolution) over geologic time.  Students watched a Cosmos episode and reflected on evidence presented during the video as well as their own thoughts regarding the Theory of Evolution.

Homework:  Research for Geo Time essay

SOTW: Susan Keiffer - due 5.15

GEO TIME ESSAYS START ON THURSDAY! Students may use their notes on the four geologic eras to write an essay about a specific era of geologic time from the perspective of a living thing during that era.

Mrs. Setten



Today students are researching four geologic eras of time and deciding which events are most impactful to Earth's evolution over time.  They will use this information for their summative Who am I? narrative essays.

Homework: Continue to research!

SOTW: Susan Kieffer - due 5.15

Mrs. Setten


5.4 & 5.5

Students begin to inquire about evidence of changes of Earth.  Activities include:

  • Geo Time Key Concepts and Inquiry Statements
  • Finish Historical Earthquake Posters
  • Law of Superposition
  • Fossil Jigsaw Notes
Homework: Finish Earthquake Poster - due Wednesday 5.6

SOTW: Walter Alvarez - due 5.8 (Friday)

Mrs. Setten