
November 25, 2013

Today:  Students extracted leaf pigments by boiling the leaves in methyl alcohol!  They will use the leaf pigment solution tomorrow to compete lab E4. 

Homework:  LIGHT MINI-PROJECTS - due tomorrow (Tuesday)

I am hoping to send you home with NO homework over Turkey Break - but we will need to work diligently tomorrow!

I am THANKFUL for such amazing, creative, funny, smart students!

Mrs. Setten


November 21, 2013

Today:  Students had a chance to research a topic that relates to light and color today.  They are completing a mini-project on the object explaining how it works with light and color. Students will have all day tomorrow to continue working on their projects but the rest must be completed out of class time.

Homework: LIGHT MINI-PROJECT - due Tuesday before Turkey Break!

Mrs. Setten


November 20, 2013

Today: Students took Light Test #1.

Any student that did not complete the exam will need to stay after school with me to finish.

Mrs. Setten


November 19, 2013

Today: Students played Garbage Can Basketball to review for the test! The winning group gets extra credit on their exam!

Homework: STUDY!!!!


Mrs. Setten


November 18, 2013

Today: Students completed knowledge stations to prepare for the Light Unit Assessment.

Homework: Finish the study guides if you are not finished.  You will get full points if showed to me by Wednesday

LIGHT UNIT TEST - Wednesday 11/20

Mrs. Setten


November 15, 2013

Today: Students completed a short quiz on Anatomy of the Eye.  Then students had a chance to use their vocabulary lists to study for the test.  There is a vocab diagram activity and a light study guide.  These should be completed for class on Monday.


Light Study Guide - due Monday


Vocab Diagrams - due Monday!

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs. Setten


November 14, 2013

Today: Students completed a Think-Pair-Share activity on a Flow Chart that mapped the big ideas from our light labs thus far. Then students took a 5 question check in.  If they achieved a score of 3 or better they continued to work on their vocabulary and study skills.  If they achieved a score of 2 or less, they received a little extra help in the front with me.

Homework: Vocab Diagrams - due Monday
SOTQ is due in Language Arts TOMORROW!

Mrs. Setten


November 13, 2013

Today: Students completed a virtual cow and human eye dissection to reinforce the anatomy of the eye and its functions. Students will have a quiz on Friday about the anatomy of the eye.

Homework: Finish Yellow Study guide  (VOCAB and EYE DIAGRAM)

Light Test #1 will be on THURSDAY. Study up!

Mrs. Setten


November 12, 2013

Today: I am at a meeting all day.  Students had Mr. Peterson in for the guest teacher.  They worked on filling out an Eye Diagram by labeling each part and explaining its function. Then students began to write down their vocabulary for the light unit today.

Homework: Turn in any late work - (P5/6)

Mrs. Setten


November 11, 2013

Today: Students complete a warm up about waves.  Then they took notes on the three conclusions from Lab P5/6.  Finally students took a 14 pt quiz on the P5/6 main ideas.

Homework: None

*Many students did not turn in their P5/6 Lab report and summary questions.  I feel that it is unacceptable as students were given 25 minutes IN CLASS on Friday to work on this assignment. I strongly urge students to work to improve their organization skills before getting to the high school!

Mrs. Setten


NOVEMBER 8, 2013

Today: Students completed the summary questions for Labs 5 and 6.  They are due on Monday.

Homework: P5/6 Summary Qs, BRING INFO on your scientist for Language Arts - Monday

*There will be a P5/6 Quiz Monday.
* Tentative date for the Light #1 Test is Wednesday, 11/20! - Start studying now!


November 7, 2013

Darn you Mother Nature!  Students were able to complete the pre-lab for P5: Sunlight and the Spectrum, but Mr. Sun did not shine.  Hopefully tomorrow we will be able to get some data and draw conclusions on P5 and P6.

Homework: Research your STOQ!  Have 2 resources and information ready for Language Arts on Monday!

Mrs. Setten


November 6, 2013

Today: Students completed Lab P6: Transmission, Absorption and Reflection of Light.  They viewed transmitted light through colored filters and plants in a spectroscope to see the spectrum of colors for the transmitted light.  They also watched a Brain POP about the Electromagnetic Spectrum.  Then we discussed ways that we experience forms of radiation from the electromagnetic spectrum.

Homework: Begin research on the scientist quarter 2

Mrs. Setteb


November 4, 2013

Today: Students finished their light study guides to gather background information regarding the visible light spectrum.  Then the class "dissected" a wave and talked about the visible spectrum and where it is located on the electromagnetic energy spectrum.

Homework:  Choose your next scientist of the quarter and begin research.  You will work with LA teacher to outline and produce your paper this quarter.  The list of Quarter 2 scientists is on my school webpage.  Here is the link to the MS wepage.... go to Departments, Mehgan Setten:


Have a happy day!

Mrs. Setten
QUARTER 2 SCIENTISTS ARE NOW LISTED ON MY SCHOOL WEBPAGE! Click on "Scientist of the Quarter" link on the left hand side for the list of names!