
February 26, 2013

Today: Students completed pre-lab for P22: Identifying an Unknown Solution.  They will complete this lab tomorrow and Thursday. 

Homework:  Phase Change Vocab Book - due FRIDAY 3/1

Scientist of the Week: Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin - due Friday

Mrs. Setten


February 25, 2013

Today: Students made their phase change vocabulary books and received a rubric about how to complete it.  Then students presented their vocabulary word poster via a gallery walk.  Students wrote down the definitions and viewed the examples drawn by their classmates. 

Homework: Phase Change Book - due FRIDAY 3/1
** Students will not be able to participate in the ice cream lab if the book is not turned in on time.

Scientist of the Week: Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin - due Friday 3/1

Have a Happy Week!

Mrs. Setten


February 19, 2013

Today: Students completed Lab P20a: Boiling and Condensing of a Pure Substance (Ethyl Alcohol). After they completed the lab, students began to work on their summary questions and graphs.

Homework:  Complete Graph and Summary Questions for tomorrow

Scientist of the Week: John E. Hodge - due Fri 2/20

Mrs. Setten


February 15, 2013

Today: Students completed Pre-Lab for P20a "Boiling and Condensing a Pure Substance."

Homework: Lab P20b report - due Tuesday 2/19

NEW Scientist of the Week: John E. Hodge - due 2/22

Enjoy your MONDAY President's Day!

Mrs. Setten


February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day! 
Today: Students took a quiz on melting and freezing point - the main concepts of Lab P20b. Then they worked on their summary questions.

Homework: P20b Summary Questions and Graphs are due TUESDAY 2/18

Scientist of the Week: Satyendra Nath Bose - Due TOMORROW

Mrs. Setten


February 11, 2013

Today:  Students went through how to read the graph of a substance going through a phase change.  They were given a graph and we labeled the important information. 

Homework: Temperature Worksheet #3 due Wednesday 2/13

Scientist: Satyendra Nath Bose - due Fri 2/15

** We really need to step up our game and start to turn in our assignments ON TIME.  This is not only a courtesy to me, so I can get grades in the book - but YOU as well!  We are trying to get you prepared for a successful high school experience and this includes having study skills! 

 Mrs. Setten


February 8, 2013

Today:  Students analyzed data from Lab P19 by creating graphs with their group's data.  Then they used the graphs to answer the summary questions.

Homework: Lab P19 Report - due Monday 2/11

Scientist of the Week: Satyendra Nath Bose - due Friday 2/15

Have a safe weekend!

Mrs. Setten


February 6, 2013

Today: The 7th grade Dean, Mr. Zutz, came to talk to students about their classes for 8th grade.  Then students watched a demonstration on how to set up Lab P19 for tomorrow.

Homework: Turn in any late lab reports!

Scientist: Margaret LeMone - due Friday 2/8

Mrs. Setten


February 5, 2012

Today: Students viewed a NOVA about Absolute Zero to help gain a better understanding of cold and the history of temperature scales.


Scientist: Margaret LeMone - due Friday 2/8

Have a Happy Tuesday!

Mrs. Setten


February 4, 2013

Today: Students reviewed temperature conversions and phases of matter.  Then they watched a Brain Pop on phase changes.  We made connections to P18: Boiling Water.  We began pre-lab for Lab P19.

Homework:  Turn in any late lab reports (Food Color Lab/ Lab P18)

Scientist of the Week:  Margaret LeMone - due Friday 2/4

Mrs. Setten