
November 29, 2012

Today: Students competed the remainder of their FAST skills test.  

Homework: SUB projects! 

Scientist of the Week:  Anders Celsius - due TOMORROW


November 28, 2012

Today: Students started their FAST Skills Test.  They will have today and tomorrow to complete the test.

Homework:  Work on sub projects!

Scientist of the Week:  

Anders Celsius - Due 11/30

Lord Baron Kelvin - Due 12/7

Mrs. Setten


November 26, 2012


I missed you all while I was away - but definitely enjoyed the white sand beaches and awesome snorkeling that the B.V.I's had to offer!

Today: We discussed the questions to lab P7, then went through what to study for our upcoming test on Wednesday.  Students received a yellow review packet last week that they worked on with the remaining class time. At the end we shared about our Thanksgiving Breaks.

Homework: Yellow review packets are due tomorrow at the beginning of class. 

Scientist of the Week:  Anders Celsius - due Friday 11/30
Lord Baron Kelvin - due 12/7


November 16, 2012

Today: Submarine Demo Day! Students learned about their submarine projects that are due on December 14th.  This is a major project and worth 90 points! 

Homework: None

Scientist of the Week: Gabriel Fahrenheit - due 11/16 - THAT'S TODAY!

NEW Scientist of the Week: Anders Celsius - due Monday 11/26

I will be gone Monday and Tuesday as I will be on my honeymoon in the British Virgin Islands!  I hope that you and your families have a wonderful Thanksgiving break - eat LOTS of Turkey!  I am thankful to have each of you in Science.

Mrs. Setten


November 14, 2012

Today: Students used data and summary questions to come up with the BIG PICTURE of lab p6.  Submerged Volume = Displaced Volume! Then students took a clicker quiz about submerged volume. Lastly, students used their lab books to complete the problem and procedure sections of their lab report for P7.

Homework:  If you did not turn in your lab P6 report, get it in ASAP! :)

Scientist of the Week: Gabriel Fahrenheit - due Friday 11/16

Have a super night!

Mrs. Setten


November 13, 2012

Happy Tuesday!

Today: We used our class data to graph a best fit line of the submerged volume vs the water displaced.  Then students answered the summary questions.  

Homework: Finish summary questions for tomorrow!

Scientist of the Week: Gabriel Fahrenheit - due Friday 11/16

Mrs. Setten


November 12, 2012

My apologies on the late post!

Today: Students completed Lab P6.  They measured the submerged volume of different sized boxes and then the volume of displaced water from actually submerging the box to the measured depth.  

Homework: None

Scientist of the Week: Gabriel Fahrenheit - due Friday 11/16

Have a great night!

Mrs. Setten


November 9, 2012

Today: Students corrected their vocabulary homework at the beginning of class.  Then we prepared for lab P6.  Students recorded the title, problem and procedure in their lab notebooks.  Then they taped in the data table.  Finally, a demonstration of the lab was given for the students.

Homework: None - Maybe complete your Gabriel Fahrenheit report! 

Scientist of the Week: Gabriel Fahrenheit - due Friday 11/16

REMINDER:  The expectation for science is to have homework completed on the date due!  Make sure you are using your planner and utilizing class time given for work appropriately in order to be successful in this department! :)

Be Safe, Have Fun, & See you Monday,

Mrs. Setten


November 8, 2012

Today: Students continued their group illustrations of floating, sinking and submerging objects.  Then they started a vocabulary worksheet to practice with the words we use during this unit!

Homework: Blue Vocabulary Worksheet -due Friday

Scientist of the Week: Gabriel Fahrenheit - due next Friday 11/16

Have a Great Night!

Mrs. Setten


November 7, 2012

Today: Students reflected on the P5 summary questions at the beginning of class.  Then notes were given on volume, floating, sinking and submerging. Students highlighted the notes as we read through.  Lastly students participated in a small group activity. They are illustrating an aquatic scene with floating, submerged and sunken objects.

Homework: none

Scientist of the Week: Introduced tomorrow (an extra day!)

Have a great day!

Mrs. Setten


November 5, 2012

Happy 2nd Quarter. 

We all start fresh with a chance to reflect on what we could do better and give effort into improving ourselves. 
Today: Students took a 10 question clicker quiz about graphing. The needed a score of 6 or better to pass the quiz.  Remember, if you do not pass a clicker quiz you can always retake it to improve your grade!  After the quiz, we began to read about Lab P5: Sinking Cartons.  We will complete the lab tomorrow.

Homework: None

Scientist of the Week will be assigned Friday!

Have a Great Day!

Mrs. Setten