
September 26-28, 2012

Sorry this is so late!

Today: Students took notes on liquid volume.  We focused on the graduated cylinder and practiced reading the meniscus.  Students then had time to work on make up work or the homework.

Homework: Liquid Volume Worksheet - due Thursday

Scientist of the Week: Annie Easley - due Friday 9/28

I will be gone on Thursday and Friday for my wedding weekend! I hope that all goes well - I know that we have an outstanding group of students who will represent our school in a positive manner.  I will be back Monday.  While I am gone here is what the students will be doing:

Thursday:  Students will review concepts of measurement by reading about metric units for distance, volume and mass. They will read from a the physical science textbook and answer questions on a reading guide with their Albert Einstein partners.  

Homework: none

Friday: Students will complete a graduated cylinder worksheet and preview the liquid volume lab that we will complete Monday when I return.  

Homework: Graduated Cylinder Worksheet - due Monday 

New Scientist of the Week - Jane Goodall 

I hope that the rest of the week is wonderful!  I miss all of my students already and look forward to the great reports that I receive from our guest teacher

Also - good luck to the boys soccer team tomorrow at the game!

- Miss Musbach ... soon to be Setten!


September 25, 2012

Today: My sister and mom visited our classes today.  They are in town for the wedding and wanted to see why I love my job so much! :) Students completed the Area Lab then asked questions about Hong Kong, where my sister currently works and resides! 

Homework:  Area and Volume Worksheet - due Wed.

Scientist of the Week: Annie Easley - due Friday 9/28


September 24, 2012

Happy Monday!

Today: Students reviewed notes on finding the area and volume of a solid object.  Then they worked in pairs to complete an Area and Volume worksheet.  

Homework: Area and Volume worksheet - due Wed. 9/26

Scientist of the Week: Annie Easley - due Friday 9/28

REMINDER:  I will be gone Friday for my wedding weekend.  

Go Pack Go!

Miss Musbach


September 21, 2012

Happy Friday!

Today: Students in Mrs. James (Mrs. Small's LTS) and our class went to the media center and viewed a Planet Earth about Jungles.  The Isaac Newton Scientist of the Week Reports were due.  Theywill be accepted until 5p today.

Homework: None

Our new scientist of the week: Annie Easley - due next Friday 9/29

I will also be absent next Friday as I am getting married on the 29th!  

I hope you all have a fun and safe weekend! 

Miss Musbach


September 20, 2012

Sorry that I posted so late tonight! 

Today: Students took a metric conversion quiz on their clickers.  Then students were introduced to Area and Volume by taking notes in their science notebook!  Period 7 students will do this on Monday as we had a assembly in the field house today. 

Homework: None

Scientist of the Week: Isaac Newton - due TOMORROW 9/21

See you tomorrow!

Miss Musbach


September 19, 2012

Today: Students finished their conversion labs today with their Isaac Newton Partners.    Period 2 also, learned the metric shuffle. 

Homework: Turn in any missing assignments! 

Isaac Newton Reports - due by 9/21


Miss Musbach


September 18, 2012

Today: Students reviewed metric conversions.  Then they did the "Metric Shuffle".  

Homework: Metric conversions #5-8 - due Wednesday 9/19

Scientist of the Week: Isaac Newton - due Friday 9/21


September 17, 2012

Today: Students began to learn conversions for the metric system.

Homework: Conversions sections 1-4. - due tomorrow, 9/18

Scientist of the Week: Isaac Newton - due 9/21


September 14, 2012

Happy "Packer's beat the Bears" day!
Today: Students took a measurement quiz.   Then they went to the foyer for a metric scavenger hunt.  

Albert Einstein Reports - due TODAY!

Homework:  Turn in the blue contract if you have not, and any late work. 
Next Scientist of the Week:  Isaac Newton - due 9/21

Have a safe and fun weekend! 

Miss Musbach


September 13th, 2012

Today: Students took a quiz on the metric system basics.  Then they completed a length lab to help with proficiency in using a meter stick. 

Albert Einstein Reports - due Tomorrow

Homework: Students who did not finish the lab must measure objects at home to complete assignment.


September 12, 2012

Today: Students wrapped up their Venn diagrams about the Metric system vs English system.  Then they listened to a rap about Meters, Liters and Grams - and filled in the missing words in the lyrics.  Finally, students practiced using the centimeters side of a ruler.

Home measurements worksheet - due TOMORROW 9/13
Scientist of the Week: Albert Einstein - due 9/14

Please do not forge to sign and return your blue class contracts!

Miss Musbach


September 11, 2012


Today: We started our measurement unit today! First, Students took a metric pretest with a partner.  Then they watched a Brain Pop comparing the Customary English and Metric measurement systems. Finally, , we began comparing the two systems in a Venn Diagram. 

Brain Pop Link: http://www.brainpop.com/math/numbersandoperations/metricvscustomary/

Scientist of the Week: Albert Einstein - due 9/14

Miss Musbach


September 10, 2012

Happy Monday! 

There was an unfortunate Packer loss yesterday.

Today in Class: Students listened to a presentation about their agenda planners and the school rules given by their Dean, Randy Zutz.  The Science A to Z project was due today! 

Scientist of the Week: Albert Einstein - due 9/14

Have a great day! 

Miss Musbach


September 7, 2012


Today: We reviewed the Class Contract.  Students and their Parents need to sign this and return asap.  We also introduced the Scientist of the Week Project. 

Scientist of the Week: Albert Einstein - due 9/14

Homework: Science A to Z - due 9/10
Bring back class contract!

Have a safe and wonderful weekend!

Miss Musbach


September 6, 2012

Happy Thursday! 

Period 2:  Students went on a room tour and set up notebooks.  :)

Period 5-8:  Students filled out Scientist Lab Partners sheet and participated in the Kaleidoscope Lab.

Homework: Science A to Z - due 9/10 

* Turn in to Homework Drop Box if possible!


September 5th, 2012

Good Afternoon 7th Graders,

Today: Students went on a "room tour" discussing procedures in the classroom.  They also set up their science notebooks.

1.) Science A to Z - Due Monday 9/10
*This should be sent to the homework drop box if possible on my school webpage.


Peace. Love. Packers!

Miss M


September 4th, 2012

Welcome to 7th Grade Science!  

Check this blog to see what we did while you were gone OR to double check homework assignments if you simply forget (it happens)!

Today: students completed the Observation Lab and a student information survey.  

I am very excited to get our school year underway!

Miss Musbach